Drug Court
Project ADAM provides intensive outpatient treatment services to the Piedmont Judicial Circuit's Felony Drug Court. The mission of drug court is to eliminate the cycle of drug abuse and related criminal activity by offering treatment options to repeat criminal offenders, who suffer from chemical dependency. Project ADAM provides the following services to Piedmont Judicial Circuit's Felony Drug Court participants.
Drug Testing
Intensive Four-Phase Outpatient Treatment (18-24 months)
Case Management
The progress of individual cases are strictly monitored at weekly case management meetings attended by the Piedmont Judicial Drug Court judge, a representative from the district attorney's office, probation officer, drug court treatment director, treatment providers and the case manager. Since initiating the contract in March 2012, Project ADAM has served approximately 250 individuals. Project ADAM currently conducts fifteen groups, 55 case management appointments and 55 individual appointments per week in conjunction with this program. Participants also meet with numerous individuals on a regular basis regarding job assistance.
Drug Court Calendars
Drug Court Calendars display scheduled meetings for Drug Court participants by phase. Case management appointments are not included.
Click calendar titles for printable calendars